Complete Confidence
SRT Method's 
30 Day Course

 You will feel a positive change in yourself and see results shortly after beginning the course and You will
Increase the Confidence and Joy in Your Life!

If you commit to doing the work and showing up FOR YOURSELF

By Learning How to do SRT
(Subconscious Release Technique Energy Clearing) on Yourself &
Learning True Self Confidence 
You Will Absolutely Transform Every Area of Your Life...
How to Get Crazy Self Confidence without 
Tortuous Dieting or Therapy...
What's Included In Your 
"Crazy Confidence Course"
Credit Card Number:
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Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated
We believe each person needs to take full personal responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and amount of effort they put in to their training...therefore we have a no refund policy. Please reach out if you need help or guidance with any of the training. We also believe that all forms of healing can be beneficial and would recommend using SRT in correlation with your Doctor’s or Mental Health Professional’s recommendations. We are so excited for your transformation and for all of the Lives You are going to Positively Impact 💛💛💛
Imagine having Unlimited Confidence with Closing Deals, Starting Your Own Business, Speaking to Huge Audiences, Nailing that Interview, Getting that Promotion, or EVEN Manifesting the Love of Your Life...
JUST Imagine what is 
Imagine How Different Your Life Would Look if You Cleared Out Your Negative Mental and Emotional Blocks for 30 Days in a Row...
Clear Trauma, Anxiety, Abuse, and ALL Negative Beliefs about Yourself...
Coach Emma is the CEO of SRT Method and a Master Practitioner of the Subconscious Release Technique (SRT), an Energy Clearing Technique that gives our clients Immediate, Measurable, and Specific RESULTS in the Area they are Focusing on. 
What's Included in Your Crazy Confidence Course
30 Days of Intensive Energy Clearing
Completely Reprogram your Self-Image w/ 30 days of Experiential Life Changing Online training directly from the creator of the SRT technique. We will Dig into Your Past and target YOUR Specific Beliefs that are causing you to Doubt Yourself and we will CLEAR them and get rid of them Forever.  You will no longer be a Prisoner to Your Past! ($4997 Value)
Learn How to Do Subconscious Release Technique (SRT)
Step-by-Step tutorial on how to properly Perform different levels of the SRT on YOURSELF... You will be able to Take Control of Your Life and be able to Instantly Eliminate and Remove FOREVER Your Mental and Emotional Triggers and Road Blocks! ($5,000 Value)
Private Facebook Community with other members and access to weekly LIVE calls with
 President of 
The Crazy Confidence Course 
"Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

The Journey to Becoming a New You can be challenging at times. That's why we created our Private Facebook Community of other Crazy Confidence members to help Share WINS, support each other and most importantly grow together! ($200 Value)
Creating Crazy Confident Kids!!!
(FREE BONUS) Do you have kids or know a child who could benefit from a little self confidence? 

Boost your Kid's Confidence and set them up for Success with this Empowering and Fun mini course!!! ($500 Value)

Our One of a Kind Energy Clearing Technology Instantly Clears Mental and Emotional Blocks that have been holding people back their whole life.

Detox the Past..Take Control of Your Life!!  YES This Actually Works!!!

Imagine How Different Your Life Would Look if You Cleared Out Your Negative Mental and Emotional Blocks for 30 Days in a Row...

Clear Trauma, Anxiety, Abuse, and ALL Negative Beliefs about Yourself...
In this 30 Day Course, we are Completely Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind using our One of a Kind Energy Clearing Technique and Implanting Powerful Positive new Thoughts and Habits.

You Literally will not Recognize Your Happy Beautiful Self!!!
Coach Emma is the Founder of SRT Method and a master of the Subconscious Release Technique (SRT), an Energy Clearing Technique that gives her clients Immediate, Measurable, and Specific RESULTS in the Area they are Focusing on.
What's Included 
in the SRT
Confidence Course
30 Days of Powerful Coaching & Energy Clearing w/ the creator of the Subconscious Release Technique
Completely Reprogram your Self-Image w/ 30 days of Experiential Life Changing Online training! We will Dig into Your Past and target YOUR Specific Beliefs that are causing you to Doubt Yourself and we will CLEAR them and get rid of them Forever. You will no longer be a Prisoner to Your Past! ($4997 Value)
Level 1 & 2 Subconscious Release Technique (SRT)
Learn how to do Energy Clearing... You will be able to Take Control of Your Life and be able to Instantly Eliminate and Remove FOREVER Your Mental and Emotional Triggers and Road Blocks! ($997 Value)
Private Facebook Community with President of The Crazy Confidence Course 
Coach Lisa Adams
"Alone we can do so little; together WE Can do so much." – Helen Keller

The Journey to Becoming a New YOU can be challenging at times. That's why we created our private Facebook community of other Crazy Confidence members to help share wins, Support Each Other and most importantly grow together! ($97)
30 Minute Session With Your Own SRT Energy Coach
(FREE LIMITED TIME BONUS) Get a Personal one-on-one session with your very own Personal Coach that will Guide you through an Energy Clearing, Confidence Building or Overcoming Obstacles that are blocking you from Achieving your Goals! ($297 Value)
Creating Crazy Confident Kids!!!
(FREE LIMITED TIME BONUS) Boost your Kids Confidence and set them up for Success with this Empowering and Fun mini course!!!  You will Learn how to use Energy Clearing and MIND Reprogramming with KIDS! ($197 Value)
Experience Intense Breakthroughs💕
Release the Burdens of the Past Forever...
Give Yourself a Clean Slate.

Completely Rewrite Your Self Image and Beliefs about YOURSELF
“The mentorship and coaching I have received from SRT has been above and beyond anything I could have imagined. My income has sky rocketed and my influence and confidence as a Physician and Entrepreneur has developed incredibly fast! 

To posture myself confidently among my colleagues and clients has been a true game changer in my world. Their coaching style is direct, filled with compassion and extremely authentic. This is absolutely Gold Standard!

-Dr. Carlye Luft
SRT helped me to get to a place of complete self acceptance and love...and to Own who I am 100%!!!

If you ever have an opportunity to meet her it’ll be clearly apparent to you how committed she is to her craft. She has an ability to meet people right where they are and take them where they never thought possible.... you’ll instantly know that her number one goal is to get you to a place of 100 % belief in yourself. 

- Celine Passenaud
With SRT, I have been able to blast through my paradigms and limiting beliefs. Her direct, no nonsense, to the point coaching style peppered with just the right amount of care, concern and faith in me is just what I needed.

She wants the best for all of those she comes into contact with. She lets you know that you are important and valued. Her leadership is on point. She is bad a**!

She pushes you just far enough to your limit and is right there to guide you to the end!

-Ruth Ronan
Experience the Difference...

You are able to Instantly Feel Better and Let go of Negative Thoughts💕
Take a Quick Look at What Others Have to 
Say About SRT and the Crazy Confidence Course...
“The mentorship and coaching I have received from SRT has been above and beyond anything I could have imagined. My income has sky rocketed and my influence and confidence as a Physician and Entrepreneur has developed incredibly fast! 

To posture myself confidently among my colleagues and clients has been a true game changer in my world. Her coaching style is direct, filled with compassion and extremely authentic. This is absolutely Gold Standard!

-Carlye Luft
SRT helped me to get to a place of complete self acceptance and love...and to Own who I am 100%!!!

If you ever have an opportunity to meet her it’ll be clearly apparent to you how committed she is to her craft. She has an ability to meet people right where they are and take them where they never thought possible.... you’ll instantly know that her number one goal is to get you to a place of 100 % belief in yourself. 

- Celine Passenaud
With SRT, I have been able to blast through my paradigms and limiting beliefs. The direct, no nonsense, to the point coaching style peppered with just the right amount of care, concern and faith in me is just what I needed.

SRT wants the best for all of those they comes into contact with. They let you know that you are important and valued.

-Ruth Ronan

Your Life is About to Change!

You WILL See Results After the very FIRST Class!
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated
We believe each person needs to take full personal responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and amount of effort they put in to their training...therefore we have a no refund policy. Please reach out if you need help or guidance with any of the training. We also believe that all forms of healing can be beneficial and would recommend using SRT in correlation with your Doctor’s or Mental Health Professional’s recommendations. We are so excited for your transformation and for all of the Lives You are going to Positively Impact 💛💛💛
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